
Learn more about this instrument and how it is made.

The aboriginal people believed that when the gods created the world they gave this instrument to humans to open a channel between the gods and humans (heaven and earth), so we can travel freely between the two worlds.

In the myth and legend of the aboriginal people of Australia, the didgeridoo has been present since the beginning of time. The oldest records of playing the didgeridoo date back 1500 years in the form of Northern Territory cave and rock paintings. However, nobody knows how old this instrument really is. 

In addition to its ceremonial use, it is employed as a tool to study nature and tell stories. The essence of natural phenomena is expressed within the droning sound of the didgeridoo. 

Didgeridoos are traditionally formed by termites eating out the soft sappy wood of the Eucalyptus, leaving a hollow log. It is usually played with an unbroken tone performed by circular breathing. 

Zotora learned to play this sacred instrument while living in Australia. When returning to Norway, he started making his own one-of-a-kind didgeridoo instruments from local and unique woods. Below are photos of some of the instruments he crafted. If you wish to purchase your own extraordinary didgeridoo, contact Zotora to connect with the instrument of your dreams. 

Some instruments made by Zotora

Photo. Jola Mcdonald